アフリカから日本への留学体験記 Dr. Harifara Rabemanolontsoa, Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Kyoto University has shared her personal and professional journey with the audience at the 3rd IApF Africa-Japan University Exchange Meeting on the 16th February 2024. 2024-10-15
アフリカから日本への留学体験記 Dr. Christian Samen Otchia, Associate Professor, Nagoya University has shared his personal and professional journey with the audience at the 3rd IApF Africa-Japan University Exchange Meeting on the 16th February 2024. 2024-10-09
アフリカから日本への留学体験記 Professor Jean-Claude Maswana, Ristumeikan University has shared his personal and professional journey with the audience at the 3rd IApF Africa-Japan University Exchange Meeting on the 16th February 2024. 2024-10-07
アフリカから日本への留学体験記 参加者・関係者の声 Unforgettable experiences, and outcomes of participation at Kyoto University (by Yitagesu Habutu, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia) 2024-09-11