
Cape Peninsula University of Technology


South Africa
Partner Universities of Education Exchange in Africa
Tohoku University, Faculty of Engineering
(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, 6-6 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi)https://web.tohoku.ac.jp/envchemeng/
  • Science and Technology Research Partnerhsip for Sustaianble Development (SATREPS)
  • Development of a Carbon Recycling System toward a Decarbonised Society by using Mineral Carbonation: Absorb carbon dioxide by means of mineral carbonation, and clean up the environment at the same time

Representative:Prof Tunde Ojumu, Chemical Engineering

Overseas Offices


Faculties / Graduate Schools that ready for Africa-Japan student exchange

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Contact information
[ Academic advisor 1 ]
Name Tunde Ojumu (Professor)
Fields Chemical engineering

Student support systems

Univesity's Own Scholarship
Yes / No No
International Student Center
Yes / No Yes

Office of International Affairs


Tel: +27 21 959 6504 / 6085 / 6048
Fax: +27 21 959 6918
E-mail: jibat@cput.ac.za

Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 460 3955 / 8390 / 3984
Fax: +27 21 460 3921
E-mail: mokoenam@cput.ac.za

International student dormitory
Yes / No Yes


Detailed information
You must indicate on your application form if you wish to make use of Cape Peninsula University of Technology accommodation.
The allocation of places is subject to availability. As an undergraduate you will most likely be placed in a double room that you will share with another student.
Bellville Campus – Bellville and Wellington residences
Tel: +27 21 959 6334
Student Centre, 1st floor
Email: residenceb@cput.ac.za
Cape Town Campus – Cape Town, Mowbray, and Granger Bay residences
Tel: +27 21 460 3871
Administration Building, 5th floor
Email: residencec@cput.ac.za
Contact information(Admissions and general information) 1
Schools, Divisions and Departments Office of International Affairs
Ms T Malaza
Bellville Campus Bellville Campus
Tel: +27 (0) 21 959 6082
Email: malazat@cput.ac.za
Ms P Gwayana
District Six/Granger Bay Campus
Tel: +27 (0) 21 460 3393
Email: gwayanap@cput.ac.za


Tutor system for foreign students
Yes / No Yes
Center for Student Health (providing health consultation)
Yes / No Yes
Safety Confirmation System in the event of a disaster
Yes / No Yes
Reduction/waiving of tuitions
Yes / No No
Financial assistance for self-financing international students 1
Detailed information


English/French learning programs
Yes / No Other
Detailed information There are English classes, but no French classes.
Local language learning program
Yes / No Yes
English/French writing support/editing
Yes / No Yes
Library available for foreign students
Yes / No Yes
Opening hours

Libraries – Opening hours – CPUT

ATM (International cash cards available)
Yes / No No
Application Procedures
Admission procedures
Visa procedures


Educational programs for international students

Research Institute/Center

Research Development Department
International Relations Department