
University of Benin


Partner Universities of Education Exchange in Africa
Overseas Offices

The University of Benin’s overseas office does not have a dedicated website listed separately. However, you can find comprehensive information about the university and its various faculties, initiatives, and international collaborations on its main website at https://www.uniben.edu.

Faculties / Graduate Schools that ready for Africa-Japan student exchange

National Centre for Energy and Environment
Contact information ogbomida.e@ncee.org.ng
[ Academic advisor 1 ]
Name Emmanuel Temiotan Ogbomida
Fields Ecotoxicology and Pollution Studies/Bioenergy
Researchmap https://ncee.org.ng
Titles of theses of students under supervision

Assessment of Microplastic Polymers in Surface Water, Sediment and Tilapia Sp in Ikpoba River, Benin City, Edo State.

Effect Of Ballast Water on Fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus.

Click left to show
Faculty of Life Sciences
Contact information
[ Academic advisor 1 ]
Name Lawrence Ezemonye (Professor)
Titles of theses of students under supervision
  • Modelling the effluent loading assimilative capacity of Ikpoba River.
  • Pesticide Concentration profiles of water, sediment, Clarias gariepinus and Tilapia zilli in three rivers in Edo State Nigeria.
  • Ecological risk assessment of organotin pesticides in Warri Harbour, Nigeria.
  • Toxicological effects of pesticides (Diazinon and Endosulfan) on adult amphibians (Bufo regularis).
  • Toxicological and Biochemical alterations in Bufo maculatus and Hoplobatrachus occipitalis exposed to sublethal concentrations of cadmium and lead.
  • Studies on the toxicity of endosulfan (Organochlorine pesticide) on fish (Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus).
  • Studies on the toxicology of industrial detergent and corrosion inhibitor on biological organisms.
  • Wildlife Study of Okomu Forest Reserve, Edo State, Nigeria.
Click left to show
Faculty of Education
Contact information
[ Academic advisor 1 ]
Name Lilian Imuetinyan Salami

Student support systems

Univesity's Own Scholarship
Yes / No Yes
Name of scholarship PTDF Scholarship (Petroleum Technology Development Fund); Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund)
  • Academic or Research Experience
  • Collaborative Projects
  • Research Focus
  • Capacity for Research
  • Academic Excellence


International Student Center
Yes / No Yes
International student dormitory
Yes / No Yes

Student Portal:

UNIBEN Kofa Student Portal


WAeUP.Kofa – Student Management System

Detailed information


Contact information(Admissions and general information) 1
Schools, Divisions and Departments Student Affairs Division

Student Affairs Office, Ugbowo Campus, University of Benin.


mail studentaffairs@uniben.edu
Tutor system for foreign students
Yes / No Yes
Center for Student Health (providing health consultation)
Yes / No Yes
Safety Confirmation System in the event of a disaster
Yes / No Yes
Reduction/waiving of tuitions
Yes / No Yes




Financial assistance for self-financing international students 1
Detailed information

●University of Benin Scholarships

●TETFund Scholarships

●Government and Corporate Scholarships (such as MTN Foundation, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), and others)

  • Academic Excellence
  • Financial Need
  • Field of Study
  • Work/Study Permit

The University of Benin (UNIBEN) does not have a specific, centralized website dedicated exclusively to the financial support system for international students. However, information related to scholarships, financial aid, and international student affairs can typically be found through the university’s main website https://www.uniben.edu

English/French learning programs
Yes / No Yes
Local language learning program
Yes / No Yes
English/French writing support/editing
Yes / No Yes
Library available for foreign students
Yes / No Yes
Opening hours

Opening Hours – John Harris Library

ATM (International cash cards available)
Yes / No Yes
Application Procedures

The application guide for entrance examinations at the University of Benin (UNIBEN)
Eligibility: Candidates must have a minimum of five credit passes in relevant subjects at O’level, including English Language and Mathematics (if required).
Application Period: Applications are expected to be submitted online within a specified period.

Application Steps:Visit the UNIBEN website.

  1. Click on the WAEUP Student Portal.
  2. Register for the application by entering your surname and JAMB registration number.
  3. Once registered, log in with the provided ID and password.
  4. Fill out the application record, pay the application fee and submit.
  5. After submission, print your acknowledgment slip, which contains information about your screening schedule.

Screening Information: Candidates will receive further instructions about their specific screening date and venue on their acknowledgment slip.

Students who need the appiclation information should directly email to registrar@uniben.edu


Admission procedures


Visa procedures


Educational programs for international students

University of Tsukuba - Exchange Programs, Ritsumeikan APU - International Exchange Programs, JICA Nigeria, Nihon University - International Exchange
Africa Inter-University Exchange Project No
Student Exchange Programs No
Type of classes Combination of online and actual travel
Types of study abroad
  • The University of Benin collaborates with several schools and departments that engage with Japanese institutions. Notable faculties involved in these partnerships include: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • The contact details (email addresses) for various schools and departments at the University of Benin engaged in collaborations with Japan:

Faculty of Arts arts@uniben.edu

Faculty of Education educ@uniben.edu

Faculty of Engineering eng@uniben.edu

Faculty of Agriculture agric@uniben.edu

School of Basic Medical Sciences medicalsciences@uniben.edu

Faculty of Social Sciences socsci@uniben.edu

  • Names of counterpart universities in Japan: University of Tsukuba, Osaka University, Tokyo University of Science, Kyoto University, Hokkaido University, Keio University, Nagoya University
  • The specific number of Japanese students dispatched to the University of Benin and students dispatched to Japan from the University of Benin may not be readily available in public records or online databases. Universities often compile statistics on international exchanges, but they may not always publish detailed numbers, especially for individual years or specific programs.
    For accurate statistics regarding student exchanges during these years, including any collaboration with Japanese counterpart universities, it is best to contact the International Relations Office at the University of Benin directly.
  • Generally, online travel or virtual exchange programs were not as widely tracked or documented by universities before the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a significant shift toward online formats in 2020.Before the COVID-19 pandemic, most universities did not have formalized online travel programs, and the concept of “online travel” was not commonly tracked as it is now.
  • Due to the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international travel and exchanges, many universities, including the University of Benin, likely faced restrictions and cancellations for student exchanges during 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted many universities, including the University of Benin, to shift to online formats for international collaboration and learning, but exact statistics regarding participation in online travel may not be documented in a publicly accessible format.
  • The ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact international exchanges, which likely resulted in a reduced number of students able to travel in 2021.The transition to virtual formats was common during this time due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, but detailed statistics on participation can be hard to find.
  • The ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic has led many universities to reassess and possibly resume international exchanges, but exact statistics can be challenging to find. As universities transitioned back to more in-person activities while still incorporating online elements, detailed statistics regarding virtual participation can be challenging to obtain.
[ Outbound students 1 ]
Name of the University Hokkaido University, Kyoto University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Country 日本
Numbers of students No data

Research Institute/Center

National Centre for Energy and Environment.